I am not nor do I know Reneé O'Connor. This site is based on the fictional FWA character.
Welcome to the new and improved home on the web for the "The Trendsetter" Reneé O'Connor. Unlike
before, you will see a new image of the world of the FWA from my point of view. I welcome all comments about the
site or about the FWA. I can't do it without you, the fans.
Coming up on my first anniversary as a professional wrestler in the
FWA, I hope to continue to entertain the fans. Inside you will find all you need to know to love (or hate) the
FWA's greatest athlete.
So step on in, get the inside scoop, post your comments (good or
bad), enjoy the scenery, and most of all have a good time. And remember, you wanna be...
